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Гостьова лекція з методики навчання англійської мови «Teaching Grammar in Authentic Songs: Tips and Tricks»
27 вересня 2022 р. студенти групи ФІЛ-21а за сприяння гаранта освітньої програми, викладача методики навчання англійської мови Федорової О.В. прослухали гостьову лекцію з МНАМ на тему «Teaching grammar in authentic songs: tips and tricks»
Заняття проводила Шклярук Ірина Миколаївна - вчитель англійської мови, Середньої загальноосвітньої спеціалізованої школи № 1 з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови.
Вчитель розповіла студентам про особливості використання автентичних матеріалів у вивченні англійської мови. Фокусом заняття став пісенний автентичний матеріал. У формі дискусії студенти та гостя оцінили переваги та ризики використання пісенного матеріалу у навчанні підлітків.
Детальніше розглянули специфіку підготовки до заняття з використанням автентичних пісень. Ірина Миколаївна акцентувала увагу студентів на важливості застосування індуктивного підходу до навчання іноземної мови в НУШ.
Ірина Миколаївна відзначила активність студентів, їх бажання ділитись особистим досвідом вивчення іноземних мов.
Відгуки студентів на гостьову лекцію:
Віра Тарчевська:
I didn`t take seriously the use of songs in English lessons, before. However, after yesterday's zoom meeting about "Teaching with songs", which was presented to us by the teacher of school #1, I changed my opinion radically.
Songs play an important role in the development of learning a second language. The meeting began by analyzing why songs should be considered as useful pedagogical tools. We looked at some pros and cons of using songs. Then the teacher proposed using songs as language learning tasks to maximize the benefits of using songs and attempts to show how this might be done using practical examples. It was useful to know that we can use songs on all stage of lesson. Finally, the teacher talked how classic children’s songs could be modified to help teachers use them more frequently to teach a wider variety of topics.
Most students enjoy singing songs, and they can often be a welcome change from the routine of learning a foreign language.
In particular, songs can help learners improve their listening skills and pronunciation, therefore potentially helping them to improve their speaking skills and they can be useful in the teaching of vocabulary and sentence structures. The greatest benefit to using songs in the classroom is that they can be fun. Pleasure for its own sake is an important part of learning a language, and songs can add interest to the classroom routine and potentially improve student motivation.
Well, songs can be considered valuable pedagogical tools. The meeting was interesting and useful. This knowledge will definitely come in handy!
Настя Пухтяр:
On September 27, a teacher from the first school in Khmelnytskyi came to us for a lesson. She led us through a couple and talked about the use of songs in the English class. Overall, the lesson was interesting and I really enjoyed it. The material was presented meaningfully with the use of presentation and giving examples. I liked that all students were involved in the discussion and everyone had the opportunity to express their opinion. We even had the opportunity to work in groups. From this lesson, we learned a lot of new things that we will be able to use in our work in the future when we go to work at school. Using songs in a foreign language lesson is a great opportunity to present new grammatical and lexical material, the main thing is that the song itself meets all the requirements.
In my opinion, it will be interesting for children to analyze their favorite songs and learn a foreign language with the help of this. Therefore, the presentation of the material itself was at a high level, and the teacher was friendly, encouraged us and was pleasant to communicate with. After this I have only positive emotions and pleasant feedback, if I had the opportunity, I would visit her class again.
Олександр Сусловський:
I want to share my small reflections about the class which introduced to us a method of using song during learning English.
First of all, I want to notice that it really was useful from pragmatic perspective. In brief, it looked like a short guide which tasks we can pick up for learners after getting known with a song, how to put that exercises in a correct order to gain as much profit of practical knowledge, as it is possible. So, that's like a done strategy for me as a future teacher how to involve such activities in my classes.
Secondly, I want to share what I remember the most. It was about the rules how to pick up a appropriate song for my students group.
To sum up, I find it amazing and I feel thankful for sharing with me such knowledge.