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Становлення інклюзивної освіти в Україні: досвід колективу ліцею
Гостьова лекція заступника директора з навчально-виховної роботи
відповідальної за організацію інклюзивного навчання
Хмельницького ліцею № 15
імені Олександра Співачука,
Кривошей Ніни Василівни
на тему:
«Становлення інклюзивної освіти в Україні: досвід колективу ліцею»
філ 41а, 22 вересня 2023 р.
22 вересня 2023 р. відбулася чергова гостьова лекція для студентів-учасників проекту «Англійська для кожного» групи Філ-41а, за ініціативи координатора проекту - гаранта ОПП «Середня освіта (Мова і література (англійська))» та викладача курсу інклюзивної освіти Федорової О.В. Заняття відбулось на базі Хмельницького ліцею № 15 імені Олександра Співачука на тему «Становлення інклюзивної освіти в Україні: досвід колективу ліцею».
Студенти мали змогу зустрітись з заступником директора з навчально-виховної роботи відповідальної за організацію інклюзивного навчання Хмельницького ліцею № 15 імені Олександра Співачука, Кривошей Ніною Василівною, яка особисто є однією з піонерів запровадження інклюзивної освіти в українських та Хмельницьких навчальних закладах.
Ніна Василівна продемонстрували студентам широкий спектр матеріалів та засобів навчання для учнів з порушеннями зору, мовлення та психічного розвитку.
Заняття відбулось в спеціально обладнаній ресурсній кімнаті ліцею, де студенти розглянули навчально-дидактичні матеріали для слабозорих та сліпих діток, розвивальні ігри для дітей з порушеннями інтелектуального та психічного розвитку, спеціальні розвивальні та дозвіллєві зони у ресурсній кімнаті для інклюзивного навчання.
Особливо студентів зацікавили конкретні історії навчання та розвитку учнів школи та досвід педагогів у роботі з ними. Студенти та вчителі обговорили перспективи розвитку інклюзивної освіти в Україні та світі, її важливе місце у формуванні безбар'єрного суспільства, виховання толерантності та емпатії.
Відгуки студентів:
Настя Слободян, група Філ-41а:
I would also like to join in and add a review of my visit to Lyceum 15 and the lecture itself. First of all, I want to say that I respect any work, and I especially admire what is impossible or difficult for me. I would like to note that it was very interesting for me to learn about the more practical aspects of working with children with special needs because it not only sets an educational example but also gives an understanding that sometimes we can come across the understanding that we complain about something in everyday life, and what can we say about those for whom it is difficult to fulfil basic needs for themselves.
In my opinion, this is more of a psychological manifestation of understanding of training and respect for those who work, educate and receive education. Because the theoretical part, which can be started and learned on paper, will not allow you to understand and feel what is really there. For me, this lecture manifested itself in such a way, I tried to understand first of all before studying, and I think it is better to see and feel at least once than just learn the theory from books. But I'm also grateful for this experience, and I realised some valuable things that day.
Відгуки студентів:
Юля Конаш, група Філ-41а:
Last Friday, I had the opportunity to attend a guest lecture on "Inclusive Education" at the 15th school in the city of Khmelnytskyi. The lecture provided valuable insights into working with inclusive children, particularly those with visual impairments. During the session, we were introduced to the Braille script and the tools used for Braille writing. The presentation also highlighted some renowned students with specific physical conditions, shedding light on their remarkable achievements.
Furthermore, the lecture covered the setup of inclusive classrooms and showcased tactile books designed for children with visual impairments. An essential part of the discussion revolved around the development of inclusive education in Ukraine, particularly in our city. I had the chance to inquire about classroom equipment and resource rooms for children with intellectual peculiarities, emphasizing the importance of tailored learning environments.
Overall, the lecture was incredibly engaging and inspiring, igniting my desire to gain invaluable experience working in inclusive classrooms. It served as a reminder of the significance of inclusive education in ensuring that all children, regardless of their abiities, have access to quality learning opportunities.
Глущук Юля, група Філ-41а:
I attended the guest lecture online, but it was no less informative and interesting. In general, such meetings allow you to gain a better understanding of the entire process of inclusive education, to gain experience from professionals. I realized that the teachers of the lyceum are truly devoted to their work, they care about the feelings of the students, and know how to communicate with parents. Inclusive education often encourages parents to be more involved in their child's education, leading to greater satisfaction and collaboration between parents and educators. Inclusive classrooms reflect the diversity of society, fostering a sense of acceptance and tolerance among students. It helps reduce stereotypes and prejudices by exposing students to a wide range of perspectives and backgrounds. In summary, inclusive education is important because it promotes equality, diversity, and a positive learning environment for all students. It prepares students for a more inclusive society and offers numerous benefits for academic, social, and personal development. Such meetings contribute to gaining experience, because communication with real representatives of the field of inclusive education allows you to expand your knowledge, ask questions and gain invaluable emotions.
Дем’яненко Родіон, група Філ-41а:
Last Friday, I had the opportunity to attend a guest lecture at the 15th Lyceum of the city of Khmelnytskyi. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend in person, but thanks to the help of our groupmate, I was able to attend the meeting online. I will say right away that the information about Braille is not new for me personally. It was very interesting to hear about the equipment provided for writing in Braille. The information we were told is very instructive and interesting at the same time. In particular, I also saw and learned how an inclusive room should be properly arranged. The peculiarities of working with children who have certain health defects were shown and told in a very wonderful and informative way. I made some notes for myself, took a photo. In general, the meeting was very interesting. I believe that the information we learned will be useful to us during practice.
Коваленко Женя, група Філ-41а:
I was extremely interested in attending a guest lecture at Lyceum 15 of Khmelnytskyi in online format, as the development of inclusive education is now a particularly important aspect of the educational process in general.
During the guest lecture, the teachers presented various developments and materials for effective education of children with special needs.
It was extremely informative to learn about Braille script and the special alphabet for visually impaired students.
Educators also highlighted many practical sides and aspects of working in an inclusive classroom, mentioning both positive and easy moments, as well as difficulties.
This lecture gave me the opportunity to understand that inclusive classes provide different students with quality materials and appropriate equipment to make the educational process interesting and accessible to all its participants.